
Falling Petals

Elysia I


08-06-2013, 09:28 PM

A silly grin pulled at her lips as Kevah tugged back at her ear and nosed her in the side. She giggled and rolled off, flopping onto her side. It felt like old times again. Something about Kaveh made her feel so young and happy. She knew she had nothing to fear so long as he was there. He was the one to first show her the stars and moon in secret of their mother. Even though she was still afraid of the dark slightly, she now knew why. She wasn't sure if she would ever tell her brother, but knowing and having him here made her feel fearless. She rolled to her paws and gave her fur a good shake. There were few and far between when Elysia was very focused, hunting was the only case she ever really was. Fighting was not her thing, plus she didn't know how and well, there was not much else left to keep yourself alive.

As Kaveh led the way she stayed by his side, matching him step for step even though he was larger. As she had grown she had acquired a certain grace about her. The grace of a traveler, a huntress, and runner. She moved swiftly and sure footed. Her eyes spotted a stream up ahead and made a bee line to it. As her brother got a drink she eyed the water carefully. It was shallow, but a fish or two might still be in there. These lands were nice, rich, and something told her when it rained these streams would fill. She nosed around the bank of the stream testing the soil or any signs of the stream growing larger during the rains. Head lifted to turned towards Kaveh to watch him stalk off. Nose lifted to sniff out what he found. It smelled like a deer. She knew he would have no problems with catching it, even if he did, he could always call for her back up. Turning back to the dig she began to dig for a while to check the layers. With a snort she pulled away to wade into the stream. She wondered down the center searching a deeper end. Something slipped by her leg making her freeze mid-step. Like a Kingfisher, born and raised to spear fish out of water, her head darted down to grap the fish. Quickly she killed the flopping thing. It was of decent size surprisingly. She tossed it to the bank before waiting once more. In the background she could hear Kaveh making his kill. A flash of movement made her turn her head sharply. There! Another! She dove for it, ducking herself in the process. A splash of water and a shake and she trotted over to Kaveh with two salmons.

She placed the fish down next to her brother and shook out her wet fur again. "This place is wonderful! So rich and full of prey!. Great catch brother! Tonight we feast!" She said warmly, tail wagging behind her.
