



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
08-28-2021, 07:42 PM

Mojtio had been busy clearing out the refuse from the flood from the drainage gutter of his garden, it wouldn't really do any good for the ditch to get clogged up and back up, the autumn was almost certainly going to bring even more rain and in order to avoid losing any more parts of their stores, he had to make sure they weren't fit to flood over. Or at least that had been the plan. But when a loudly screeching robin had flitted by, doubled back and then picked up his ear and started yanking he'd suddenly had what he was doing changed.

Getting dragged around by his ear by a robin was not something he'd ever expected to happen in his life but after trying to bat it off with a forepaw a few times he'd simply given up and let himself be pulled off to who knows where. He idly wondered if he was going to get walked off a cliff as some kind of karmic justice for prey animals when he heard the telltale sounds of a scuffle, a deep yowling, and distinctly lupine growls. And that was how Mojito ended up on the scene of the fight.

Shaking his ear free of the bird's grasp the young man was instantly rushing towards the big cat. His pack instinct, his territorial instinct kicking in even as he just started to process who was here. No matter his feelings for Asla at this moment he wasn't about to let the large predator harass her, the younger Fatalis woman, or even worse break into the pack lands proper. With a growl ripping from his throat the man lowered his head and lined up his horns with one of the cat's haunches, feeling his skull colliding with the cat's knee. It snarled and dropped its attention from the two women to whirl around and smack him around, which it did pretty handily. Claws raking across his right shoulder and Mojito hissed in pain, shuffling to do his best to sneak out of the range of those thorn sharp claws, eyes briefly leaving those deadly paws to seek out the gaze of the two women. If all three of them could force the cat to split its attention they could run circles around it, metaphorically. He only hoped they'd get that from his brief glances.


Image by Ulfeid3
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.