
Go on, take your money and run

Talon I


4 Years
08-07-2013, 09:37 AM

There was no doubt in Talon's mind that his family was gone. His father had left some time ago, but he could find no sign of his mother or two sisters anywhere in Seracia. Their scents, even in their sleeping quarters, slowly faded -- and never returned. He would've been utterly and completely alone, if it weren't for Euphrosyne and his friend Kangi. If it wasn't for the older female, promising to look for his family, they he would've already gone off to find Kangi. But Euph made him feel safe, as though she was his mother, and he decided to wait for her. Perhaps once things settled down, they could go find Kangi too.

He had expected Euph to come back sooner, but he did not doubt her, even as weeks passed. The already-skinny boy grew even more gaunt, having never learned to hunt on his own, at least nothing larger than small rabbits and other rodents. He slept in his family's den still, clinging desperately to any last remnants of them there -- the faint smell that lingered but slowly faded, bits of their fur that littered the dirt floor. On the fringe of Seracian territory, Talon went unnoticed. In the night he slept, and in the day he wandered near the borders, waiting expectantly.

But no one ever came. He was beginning to grow rather miserable. He had little interest in doing much, even interacting with others -- what was the point, after all? But the sound of his friend's call brought him out of his dark thoughts, striking something akin to joy in his heart. He was surprised that she was calling him from a short distance away, rather than simply approaching, but it didn't stop him from eagerly hopping onto all three paws and making his way toward her.

Even as he left his den, turning to briefly look behind him, he had a feeling she had found nothing. The call was not filled with joy, but almost mournful -- even if Euph tried to hide it. As she came into view, he tucked his head down, watching his paws as he walked. Despite his downtrodden appearance, though, behind him his tail had begun to wag slowly.

"Euphrosyne!" He called in a shaky voice, hobbling closer to her, his pace increasing ever so slowly. "I missed you so much!"