
Wish I'd been a teenage rebel




3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-28-2021, 06:29 PM
Chrystelle's heart skipped several beats as Aslatiel agreed that she could indeed have another kiss, along with promising as many as she wished and more. She didn't immediately understand what the smaller woman meant by "more", not until after she had gotten another, quicker kiss and was told to trust her before being directed onto her back. Even though Chrystelle was inexperienced and naive in the realm of passion and sex, she did at least know enough to put two and two together pretty quickly. Nervous flutters went crazy in her stomach as she followed Asla's lead, doing as she asked and putting her trust in the bold tan and gray fae. She fully believed that Asla wouldn't do anything that she wouldn't enjoy, especially not after kissing her like that, but this was also the first time she had done anything like this so she couldn't help the anxious nerves that wound up in her core and made her face burn with shy embarrassment as Asla climbed over her and straddled her body.

Some of that began to melt away as Aslatiel's lips found hers once more, her amber eyes fluttering closed with a soft whine as she returned her heated kiss eagerly with their tongues dancing together. Uncertain paws lifted to slip around Asla's waist, her pounding hart skipping and flipping in her chest form the feeling of Asla's beautiful body on top of hers and under her paws as she dared to let her paw pads trace through tan hued fur on her sides. Her instincts and desires burned away her inhibitions the longer their kiss continued, but her paws were still unsure and trembled slightly as she tried to give in to this need that kept wanting her to drink in more and more of this amazing woman that was showing her all these things she never would have imagined that she'd get to enjoy.

Her ears perked at the sound of Asla's groan, the soft sound sending a shiver through her and her forelegs wrapped tighter around Asla's waist in desperate reflex as the smaller fae started pressing herself into her. When their lips parted Chrystelle gasped softly, blinking open her eyes to look up into the violet galaxies of Asla's eyes. "N-No! No, d-don't step..." she breathed at Asla's offer to stop if she got uncomfortable, her paws moving to trace along Asla's spine. Even though she was nervous and uncertain and had no idea what she was doing, she had never felt so exhilarated and free in her entire life and it felt like she was chasing a high as she held Asla's body tight to hers. A little, amazed grin pulled at her lips as she admired her new lover's face and her lovely features, absolutely entranced with her while she gave herself over to Asla's lead.
