
Bells in Santa Fe



2 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverOverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSnake EyesCritical Block!
By the skin of my teethThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-28-2021, 07:58 PM

Take had decided to wander, setting out after letting his mother know of his intentions and assuring her he’d be back before the moon was high in the sky. He was growing bigger and burlier by the day, his stature seeming to take after his Uncle Raijin’s side of the family rather than the lithe frame of his mother or father and his siblings. He already stood at a staggering 38” tall at 8 months old, classifying his as large even though he hadn’t even celebrated his first birthday, indicating he was only going to grow to be more of a behemoth. Luckily, this wasn’t anything that made him stand out among his siblings. It seemed Iki and Kit would remain on the smaller side by their genetics, but Ike had suddenly shot up out of seemingly nowhere. Her legs were gangly and awkward, oddly proportioned to the rest of her body, but she would clearly even out to be just like their mother. Oki had shot up right alongside his brother, both of them neck and neck for height. Venom had not birthed small children.

He ventured North-east, squeezing around the Armada and past Habari to their north, even past the Hot Springs. He wasn’t looking for a warm dip at that moment...perhaps on his way back down. Instead, he wanted to venture a bit past it, to see what laid beyond. It was quiet as he went, a light drizzle settling across the land and dampening his dark pelt. The sight he was greeted with left him glad he’d decided to go further. In front of him, a cascade of water trickled down different tiers of rocks, some of them forming small bowls which eventually overflowed into other bowls. It was serene and reminded him of the garden ornaments behind his Uncle Raijin’s house. Deciding it was as good a place as any to sit and have a rest, the boy plopped down with a yawn.

"Thoughts/expression intention"

[Image: takechibisig.png]