
Come in and wipe your feet




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-29-2021, 12:09 AM
As they approached the castle after their scouting mission with a new pack member in tow, he slipped out of his armor and passed it off to Ezra, requesting he take it to be put away and sending his son off as he focused on the multicolored man beside him with a grin. "Welcome to the castle," he said with a chuckle, waving a paw around the courtyard they were standing in. "This is where pretty much everyone in the pack lives, though if you're the type that prefers to have a more traditional den somewhere on the grounds you're welcome to do that as well. Our borders surround the castle and its grounds as well as the plains between here and the Wildberry Grove." He continued forward, leading Deion through the main doors of the castle and into the foyer. "That way you'll find the infirmary, some guest rooms, and the baths," he said, pointing to the left.

He led the way though the corridor to the right, bringing him into a large, open room with long tables from one end of the room to the other and a raised platform with another long table on the far side of the room. "This is the feast hall. Most of the pack meetings are held here and whenever we do feasts or festivals we'll hold them here too... Though I guess that's pretty obvious from the name." He chuckled softly and gave a little shrug before pointing across the room toward the doorway on the opposite corner from where they came in. "Through there is the kitchen and the pantry. There's a door to the cellar through there as well. We keep it pretty well stocked and there's a whole collection of wines down there so feel free to help yourself. All I ask is that you help replenish what you take or pick up some slack somewhere else so the hunters can go out and hunt more often." He certainly wasn't a strict leader by any means and that probably showed in how he gave his tour and introduced Deion to his new pack.

"What do you think so far? Any questions?" he asked, turning his silver gaze toward the other male curiously. He was sure a place like this was a lot to take in - it certainly had been for him when they moved here.

Ulric Adravendi