
Bend until I break




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
08-29-2021, 11:44 AM

Dalila watched as Siren turned her gaze away again before answering her last question. Chimera would think they were his. Confusion flickered across her face for just a moment before she put the pieces of the puzzle together and hurt understanding settled on her features. Chimera wasn't a dumb man. Violent and unstable perhaps, but not dumb. Siren wouldn't be able to make that claim to him and have him believe it if they hadn't slept together as well. "I see," she said softly, turning her gaze toward the floor of the den for a moment. Somehow her being like that with Chimera was less shocking than hearing about the stranger off of the island that had possibly given her these pups. She knew the two of them were close and affectionate so it didn't seem like much of a stretch. However, it did cement the fact that she would never be able to have Siren to herself. Siren would always chose Chimera and that was a fact she was going to have to accept.

She turned and quietly left the den, unable to form any more words for her mistress... or former mistress if her freedom was to be believed. She walked without a real destination in mind, wandering through the island in a daze as her mind worked through this new reality she found herself in. At some point she found her way to the beach and she just continued to walk, following the edge of the island and occasionally eyeing the opposite shore and wondering if she should just swim across and at least try to leave. She wasn't sure if she could be happy here again, not with the knowledge she had now. At one point in her life happiness had been a foreign concept and one that wasn't necessary for her. She had been content simply living as a servant. Now that she had experienced happiness and love it was hard to revert back to what she had once known so well and that was perhaps the hardest part of all.
