
Clear Skies and New Hope



08-06-2013, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2013, 10:06 PM by Imena.)

As she looked up at the white male he responded. "Oh, I'm sorry about that, how rude of me. I'm Cael." She lifted her paw to wave off his comment on being rude. "Nonsense, you helped me carry all these herbs. Its a pleasure to meet you Cael. I can't explain how greatful I am for your help." She responded back warmly. She could feel his gaze on her as she finished placing her herbs away. She couldn't be more pleased in finiding a den like this. So many times had a pup been found in her herbs when she was in her old pack. Every time nearly gave her a heart attack. Some plants could kill a pup or at the very least make them sick.

Her gaze softened as she thought of home, of the pups. Pups, they held such a tender place in her heart. What she wouldn't give to have her own one day or at least help care for some as a den mother. She sat down as she asked him her questions, respectfully waiting. Aye. My brothers and I just arrived a few days ago. And yes, I'm a healer as well. I believe I am to train under Aunt Erani as well, but I haven't had a chance to speak to her about it just yet." She nodded. Ah...His Aunt? Thats interesting. Seems like everyone has family here.. She thought to herself. For a few heart beats she was jealous but just as quickly as it came it was gone. "Maybe we will be training together, hm?" His question grabbed her attention once more. God she could barely keep from squinting happily at his accent. She couldn't help it. "I'd like that. The more training together the more you learn from each other. It would be great if we did train together. Perhaps we could ask Erani about it? Oh..and please do make yourself comfortable. I know there no bedding yet..but well with it being warm enough, I've been in no hurry to get any." She said happily, this time it reached her eyes. He made her feel happy, at ease and comfortable.
