
Population Control

Manea ♡



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-29-2021, 11:38 PM
Manea ran and bolted through the forest, following Alastor as he chased down one of the escaping bucks. Alastor always amazed her with the dexterity he had despite his size and bulk and he kept up with the nimble deer quite well. She kept up with the pair easily, but she resigned herself to not making a second kill as well, instead simply keeping up so she could enjoy the show. As they neared the hot springs she slowed a bit, watching her husband curiously as he navigated between the steaming pools of water while the buck attempted to lose him. It was all in vein though and a few moments later Alastor tackled it and drug it down into one of the pools. A slightly concerned frown pulled at her lips as she ran over to the edge of the pool they had fallen into. First the icy arctic waters and now the scalding, poisonous hot spring... She was beginning to wonder if perhaps her mate did in fact have a death wish.

But a few moments later he bobbed back to the surface with a gasp and she sighed with a little shake of her head. The deer's antlers popped out of the surface of the water shortly after, but that was as far up as it was going to be allowed to go as Alastor grabbed ahold of its antlers and forced it back down into the water while it flailed and struggled to get away. Manea chuckled, the grin returning to her lips as she settled down at the edge of the pool with her forepaws dangling over the edge into the water to enjoy the show that Alastor was putting on for her whether it was intentional or not. Any time she got to enjoy such a blatant show of his strength and abilities she was more than happy to sit back and enjoy.

Eventually the struggling buck fell still and the now dead deer bobbed to the surface. She waited as Alastor tossed the deer out of the pool and emerged with his fur clinging tightly to his perfectly formed body and she made no effort to hide how her aqua gaze roamed down his body to take in every muscled, chiseled inch of him. "You're always so entertaining," she mused with a grin as she rose to her paws, sauntering over to press her lips to his in a firm, lingering kiss. "Though perhaps you can stop falling into bodies of water?" she teased, tapping his nose with her paw before she turned to move further into the territory and start making their way toward the pack they had come here with the intention of scouting.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny