
Why Do You Care For Me




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
08-30-2021, 09:55 AM

When Siren had first approached her, Viper snarled in response and went to cover the still born pup that she had laid next to her. As if protecting it. But as Siren spoke, she relaxed, letting the woman start to begin her own process for the rest of the birth. As much as Viper may not have really liked Siren, she trusted her nearly as much as she had trusted Chimera. She wasn't really sure why she felt that way and she would most likely never say the words out loud. But at least her actions spoke louder than words, if not now they would later.

She took whatever herbs Siren had offered her though she didn't feel like she needed anything for the pain. She wasn't going to question what was what, just take what she had in mind. Chimera had joined them, coming up behind her and she did lean a little back against him but still didn't say a word or ask anything of him. It was typical of her. Viper's back legs cringed inward a little as Aliana placed herself there to help the next pup. She didn't want her specifically touching her but she felt like at this point she had no choice. With the wince, the next contraction came easily, her legs straightening again as she grit her teeth. Her body pushed naturally as the second and final pup had come, an exhale of relief when it was over. The pup was alive but struggled to breathe and live. Viper didn't show too much interest for the time being, at least not as much as she did the first pup. Maybe because she would trust that Siren, and maybe Aliana, would take care of it and do what they could before giving it back to her.
