
Bane x Alena pups!


08-06-2013, 11:09 PM
Adult size in inches:
35 inches
pup 5
muscular - medium sized - pure black - heterochromia - left eye dark plum, right eye lighter lavender
stubborn - rebellious - serious - self-sufficient - collector

It's easy to see that Calix is stubborn as a mule. Tell him to do something, and he'll turn around and do the exact opposite, no matter what stands in his way. If he says he will do something, he will. Even as a pup, Calix considers a vow to be extremely serious. If he gets it into his mind to do something, he will move heaven and earth. To Calix, nothing can stop him. A lot of this is pup-ish self-confidence, and only time will tell if his rebelliously stubborn nature will remain with him to adulthood. The stubbornness almost certainly will, however, though he may outgrow the youthful rebellion that characterizes so many of his actions.

Calix is many things, but frivolous is certainly not one of them. He is extremely serious at all times, never making jokes and rarely cracking a smile. It generally takes him a moment to figure out if another wolf has made a joke, and he doesn't find them funny. He's definitely not one for pranks or jokes, and if you're looking for a laugh, don't come looking this way. Calix takes everything literally and at face value. It means that he will never be particularly good at subterfuge, even as he grows up, but it also means that his imagination is all but nonexistent. To Calix, everything is as it seems, no more, and no less.

One of the less obvious, but important traits that characterize Calix is the fact that he relies on no one but himself. He is all that he needs. He does not ask his mother for help when he gets into trouble. In fact, Calix may live his entire life without asking for help. It matters that much to him. If you asked him, he couldn't explain why. But it matters a lot to him. Calix hates asking for help. And he does his best to avoid doing so at all costs.

Strangely enough, Calix could probably also qualify as a hoarder. He collects things. If they're shiny, strange, or otherwise interesting (his criteria is not particularly strict), Calix will pick it up and carry it with him for a little while. If he gets it back to his collection soon enough, he will keep it. Otherwise, it will be abandoned by the wayside and promptly forgotten.
RP sample:
The young Calix had not wandered far when something caught his eye. He hesitated, coming to a stop as he examined the strangely shaped log. It was easily twice Calix's size, far larger than anything he could hope to drag back to his den, but he thought it was quite interesting. Worth keeping, for sure. He wanted it! Which meant that the pup reared back on his hind legs, letting his paws come to rest on top of the log. He peered at it curiously, purple eyes seeking out any sort of grip. There was only a small bump in the wood, one that if he gripped juuuust right, maybe he could drag it back to his den.

The fact that the massive log was not going to move so easily did not occur to him, and he sunk his teeth into the wood immediately, starting to tug as soon as he did so. Of course, it did absolutely nothing, but Calix was not about to get up. He tugged and tugged, growing steadily more frustrated, and still completely refusing to give up. He wanted it, and so he would have it, if it was the last thing that he did! A morbid thought for a pup, perhaps, but if something did not intervene, he would starve to death trying to get this stupid log to move.

Growling in frustration, Calix gave one last mighty tug, and would have turned aside had the log not given just enough that it heartened him, and set him back to trying to pull it with all of his energy once more. His whole world had narrowed to this stubborn plank of wood, and if something did not distract him, he would probably be there for quite a while, growling in frustration and yanking at this massive piece of a tree.

Indeed, it was probably an hour later when his mother found him there, tugging away at the unmoved log. He was shepherded away, and the log promptly forgotten, though it would remain there for some time, until the elements saw fit to destroy it.