
But what if?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-31-2021, 04:12 PM

Ulric chuckled softly as Eska seemed to consider the possibilities before moving over to their bed, his silver gaze roaming over the curves of her body with hunger and appreciation. She was a stunning fae in every sense of the phrase - body, soul and personality. It was no secret that he had been with his fair share of partners over the years, but no one had truly captured his attention and challenged him in all the best ways like Eska did. A grin pulled across his lips as she settled onto her stomach and looked back at him, reminding him that she wouldn't break. He knew that she wouldn't. As precious as she was to him and as much as he struggled to make himself believe it he knew she was far tougher than he gave her credit for. Ulric padded over to the bed while not being shy about his eyes drinking all of her in.

Climbing onto the bed, a low, rumbling, pleased growl rolled in his chest while he left a trail of kisses and nibbles from the base of her tail up along her spine all the way to her ears. He was still careful around her neck and did his best not to jostle her around too much, but once his body was settled on top of hers it was still easy to be swept away in the desire and need for his mate. He slipped a strong foreleg around her waist to hold her hips where he wanted her and held himself above her with another paw on the bed near her head, nibbling around her ears and catching the delicate skin between his teeth. He slowly pressed his hips to hers and sank into her with a groan, claws gripping onto skin.

The strong and hard rolls of his hips were contrasted with the savoring kisses he left all across the top of her head, her cheeks, along her neck and shoulders. Every part of her that he could reach with his lips was given some kind of affection, lingering carefully around the places were her wounds were healing. As strong and self sufficient as she was and how much he trusted her abilities, it still hit too close to home just how hurt she had gotten and how he could have lost her if her attacker had been even slightly more malicious or if her wounds had gotten infected or worse. The thought made him hold her a little tighter, leaning his cheek into hers while his other paw gripped the furs of their bedding. "Eska... I love you..." he moaned breathlessly against her skin, giving himself over entirely to the pleasure, pulling her back into him with each movement until they both reached their peaks.

- fades and stuff for reasons -
