
Splat! [Bog]



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
09-01-2021, 12:05 AM

It seemed that he wasn't alone in being, well, a loner of sorts. Áskell seemed to hesitate for a moment, considering his own ties. "Not really, unless you count my brother Jigsaw." he finally admitted, and there was a moment of silence before the larger boy spoke up again. The hint of uncertainty in his voice made Bog's ears perk curiously. "Any uh, girlfriends? Boyfriends if you're into that sort of thing?" he questioned and for some reason it caught the lichen dappled healer off guard. He knew, of course, about the concept. However, courtship of any kind was not something that typically found itself at the forefront of his mind, or fell within the range of his skillset. He chuckled lightly, eyes crinkling at the corners and emerald eyes twinkling with mirth. "Nah," he laughed with a small shake of his head. "half the folks 'round here are related to me, and I've been a bit of a hermit. Ya'know there are some real big wolves out there? Like, real big. Scary, too. I'm always worried they'll snatch me up for dinner if I'm out there at the wrong time." he chuckled, though the notion of large and potentially dangerous strangers lurking around every corner had always set him on edge. It was why he wore his mask whenever he went out, and set time frames with Bug on when to send his mom out with a rescue party. Fen was a skilled warrior, and wouldn't hesitate to rend apart a complete stranger if she needed to. "Makes it hard to wanna get out there and meet new folks, but I've been tryin' to explore more lately." he added with a bashful smile and a half shrug. He quickly cut his gaze towards the fish. It would be done soon, the juices were beginning to run clear and sizzle with a light crust around the carcass. It smelled divine already.

"Why ya askin'? Ya got a thing for mud monsters?" he questioned with a wry smirk, rolling over to rise back onto his paws. A deft flick of his paw lifted a well worn stick that had a charred, blunt end. He shot a look over to Áskell and poked his tongue out slightly. "I'm jus' teasin'." he commented before setting himself to the task of using the fire-hardened end of his stick to push the cooking stone off of the coals. He worked quickly and carefully, tapping it inch by inch from the bed of glowing coals until it slid onto the sand on the opposite end of the fire pit. There, the sand would soak up the residual heat and start to cool the meat until it was cool enough to divvy up and then eat. "There we go, once that cools y'can tell me if my cookin's any good." he chuckled, circling the fire pit and rummaging around the base of his maple tree for some loose branches that weren't too damp. There weren't too many left, so he'd have to go collect more soon. With the ones he could find, he trotted back to the fire pit and carefully placed them within the bright coals and let the flames start up again. A bit of warmth and light to see by while they ate, to make conversation easier.

"speech" thinking "others"