
The New Activity/Inactivity System


08-06-2013, 11:42 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2013, 11:10 AM by Deteste.)
It has come to my attention there is some confusion and discontent surrounding activity checks and the new system to be put in place. This update is meant to inform Alacritis members and staff alike.

Regarding our last traditional activity check I have noticed discontent upon inactive characters and confusion surrounding the probation list. When a member fails to meet the requirements of an activity check they are put on a probation list for two weeks per character set inactive. In these two weeks a member may not create new characters or adopt new characters however they may re-apply immediately for any characters that have been set inactive. Members will no longer be placed on the probation list for dropping characters. Members can drop characters in the Maintenance board.

Regarding the discontent with the last activity check I would first like to make members aware that the activity check is a long, laborious job. Secondly the requirements for the last check were extremely lenient and fair. Three posts per character is a small number, which made it all the more important for members to meet that exact number. Members also had a total of 17 days to meet the requirement so complaints that the requirement was met after the set end date of the activity check are not fair nor valid.

Beginning Saturday August 10th a new system will replace our activity check. Any characters who have not been posted with in the span of 10 days will be set to inactive automatically. For example: Each one of your characters should have at least 1 post between the dates of August 10th - August 20th. When that cycle ends each of your characters should have at least 1 post between the dates of August 20 - August 31.

New members will not be expected to immediately meet the requirements nor will new pups as I am aware of the limitations surrounding pups. I always try to be aware of circumstance and if something seems off or I'm confused about a player's activity I will talk to them so don't worry about special cases too much.

Players who post in the absence board will of course be exempt from the system until their return. If they return in the midst of a cycle (say they return AUG 15th) they will not be expected to meet the standard until the following cycle (so in this case they would have to meet the standard for the AUG 20 - AUG 30 cycle.


- If have a character set to inactive because you didn't meet the standard you are put on the probation list for 2 weeks per inactive character.

- Members will not be put on probation for dropping characters.

- If a member wants to drop a character they may do so by posting in the Maintenance board.

- When on probation you may re-apply for your inactive characters immediately but you can not create new characters or adopt new characters.

- Starting August 10th you are required to have one post her every ten days to be considered active.

- Your accounts will be checked automatically for activity/inactivity and you do not need to post anywhere to claim activity.

- New members and young/new pups are not expected to immediately meet the standard. I am aware of limitations.

- Members who post in the absence board will be exempt from the standard. If an absent member returns in the middle of an activity cycle they are only expected to meet the standard for the next cycle.


Make sure to have on post per character between each of these time periods.

AUG 10 - AUG 20

AUG 20 - AUG 31

SEPT 1 - SEPT 10

SEPT 10 - SEPT 20

SEPT 20 - SEPT 30

Any questions may be posted in this thread.