
Take a break




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
09-02-2021, 12:09 AM
Segin was rolling his hips into her rump eagerly, gripping onto her with only one thing on his mind, panting and gasping with little murrs and moans while that heated desire built tiger and higher. There was no thoughts of if they should start a family or if this was the right time to have a family. He wasn't even cognizant enough to consider the fact that she wasn't even in heat and it was very unlikely that she would even get pregnant to begin with. All he knew and all he could think of was the fact that she wanted to have a family of her own and he wanted to give it to her. He needed her more desperately than he needed anyone else before now and while he didn't know how much the large amount of wine he had consumed had to do with it he just knew he just had to have her right then and there.

When she looked back at him with a question about what he was trying to do he returned her grin, pressing himself more firmly against her rump in response, his forelegs holding tighter around her hips. "I'm trying to give you a family, Em...! I need to have a family with you... I need all of you..." he replied between his panting while he nibbled and nuzzled into her scruff and along the back of her neck. He adored her inside and out and with his mind clouded and fuzzy with his drunkenness it was very easy to have a singular, devoted focus to one thing. In this case it happened to be his new dedication to making this dream of hers come true and to give himself the family he never had. He whined desperately as he tried to nudge her tail out of the way and it was only once it was gone and he was able to sink into her that he gasped with pleasured delight and lost himself to all of these amazing sensations while he set to work giving them everything they wanted and needed.


Segin Epsilon