
Come in and wipe your feet




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-02-2021, 10:53 AM
Ulric was glad to hear that his tour was covering things clearly or at least enough that Deion wasn't left with many questions. He chuckled at the fact that it was more luxurious than what he was used to and he nodded in agreement. "It's a far cry from dens dug into the ground at least, that's for sure. We've put a lot of work into cleaning this place up and salvaging what we can." He remembered clearly the mess it had been when they first arrived, but it had been restored to some of its former glory now so it was quite a nice place to live. When asked what role he'd fill and offering up the fact that he had worked as a healer for his last leader, making Ulric's ears perk with interest. He'd already proven himself to be a capable fighter so hearing that he had knowledge of healing as well was good to know. "We certainly have more wolves focused on fighting than healing at the moment so that would would be a great help. You're of course encouraged to do both and you're welcome to run patrols as much as you are gathering herbs, but we'll keep your rank focused on the healing side of things."

He nodded back the way they came and backtracked toward the foyer again. He pointed up the staircase and said, "All of the living quarters are up there. The rooms on the second floor are all taken, but there's plenty of empty rooms on the third floor so feel free to pick whichever one you like." Turning back out the main doors, he led Deion out through the courtyard and around the castle to the grounds that surrounded it. "Over here is the greenhouse. One of our lead healers Gwynevere has been working on getting some plants growing in here and so far its going well. You'll meet her and Syanna soon enough I'm sure." Going a bit further, he led the way around the corner of the castle to reveal the large, rectangular fields marked off with stones beside a field house. "This is the training area I set up for the warriors. The field house is storage for some training dummies and extra armors and things for you to practice with if you want. Up to you what your style of training is. If you keep going around the castle you'll find the paddock that houses our alpacas. The fighters all take turns guarding them since they do tend to attract coyotes and those sorts of predators, though my mate and I recently acquired some dogs so they don't need quite as close of a watch any more."

"As far as pack rules go we keep it pretty simple. Just pull your weight and don't intentionally spill any blood within pack lands. A little scrape during a spar is fine, but any outright violence toward another pack mate is strictly forbidden. Oh, and if you're ever looking to have a litter or bring another wolf into the pack you have to run it by me first." He chuckled and looked back to Deion with a grin. "I think that's about it! I guess the only thing left for you to do is to get settled in and start meeting everyone. Any last questions before I let you go?" He knew it was a lot to take in so he didn't want to let anything go unanswered if he had thought of any questions during the tour.

Ulric Adravendi