
Wish I'd been a teenage rebel




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-03-2021, 02:46 PM

Chrys begged Asla not to stop and the smaller woman grinned. "And here I thought you just wanted a kiss." Again she grinned before placing a soft kiss upon the grey fae's lips. "There are other places to kiss." With paws on either side of Chrystelle's body, Asla slid her own smaller frame downwards. As she went south, small, sweet kisses were dispensed here and there. By now, the woman should have some idea of where Asla was going. The fawn colored fae kissed, nipped and licked at the soft skin of Chrystelle's belly. All the while her grey ears were perked, listening for the sweet sounds that her new lover let loose.

Looking up the length of Chrystelle's body, Aslatiel made contact before she took her first taste of the woman. Asla was determined to make this first 'kiss' a memorable one in more ways than one. Kissing one inner thigh and then the other, she reminded the grey fae, "Tell me if you want me to stop." And then, without further ado, she dove in, taking that first taste and working her hardest to make the woman attain the highest of pleasures.

--Fade and time skip and things--

Later, once Aslatiel was finished and Chrystelle's cries had died down, the smaller lady licked her lips and lay beside her lover, the length of her body pressed against grey and black fur. She didn't say anything because really, there was no need to. This experience had brought Asla closer to the woman. There were no strings attached, however. If Chrystelle didn't wish for another sexual encounter with a woman, that would be okay with Asla. They could continue as friends. If Chrys wished for more... Asla would be more than happy to deliver.

A soft sigh of contentment left Asla as she stretched out on her belly. She wondered what Ocean might think about this. He knew what she was like and she'd told him so. Perhaps bringing Chrys out of her shell wouldn't be a bad thing in his eyes. If he had a problem with it though, Asla wouldn't do it again. Ocean had been her lover first, after all. His wishes took precedence.

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