
Take a break




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
09-03-2021, 06:07 PM
Watching Segin on top of her with his hips thrusting and rolling towards her only to find no purchase as he gave her his all was just too damn adorable! Emersyn giggled a soft, uncharacteristically girly giggle while he jostled her rump with each buck of his hips, feeling him against her bushy tail that was denying him the access he so desperately wanted. He grinned and pushed himself more firmly against her ass, squeezing his surprisingly strong forelegs around her hips in the process. Segin explained that he was trying to give her the family she wanted, that he needed her and to have a family with her. Realizing he was talking about giving her his pups sent a fluttering heat through her belly and made her heart stutter. This, this was the ultimate form of desire, to have a male want you so desperately that he wanted to give you his children, have you carry them, bear them, raise them. Little pieces of him and her.

Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was something instinctual deep down inside her, but Em was incredibly turned on by Segin's declaration and desires. Feeling him against her, on top of her, his warm breath on her neck and his paws around her waist... He truly was the greatest little sweetheart she'd ever met, and Em was realizing quickly that she loved him. He cared for her, cared about her, went out of his way to treat her right and do these lovely things for her—and to her. Perhaps when her mind was clear again she would reassess, be logical, but for tonight Emersyn wanted nothing more than to feel. Segin wanted to make her dreams come true and have a family with her? Then as unlikely as that might be with her out of her heat season, she would let him.

Segin whined for her to grant him entrance, and Em moved her tail in time with his movements. She was rewarded by the feeling of Segin sinking himself into her, drawing an equally pleased gasp and sigh of pleasure. Dual-hued eyes rolled back behind lavender lids, and Emersyn gave herself up to the world of carnal pleasure and emotions Segin had welcomed her into with a chorus of impassioned moans and cries. For the rest of the night, Em would think no more; she would only feel.

- fade -
