
Swiggity Swooty Comin for that Booty



"Helen of Koi"


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An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
09-03-2021, 08:51 PM

Hanako's half-arsed attempt at cutting off the drama before it spiralled out of control went about as well as you'd expect. Which is to say, it did jack shit. Standing amongst the greens and brown hues of the grass she didn't blend in at all, but maybe Sparrow simply couldn't see her from this angle. Or maybe she was just too busy throwing witty and frankly mortifying remarks up in the air, waving Hanako's dirty laundry about for the whole world to see. Honestly....Hanako had done a lot during her time away, things she hadn't really taken the time to think about or process. Had she been acting out instead of dealing with her emotions? Probably! Did she wanna take the time to consider why she'd acted so self destructively? Nope, not today if ever! Self reflection wasn't a skill she was interested in honing, and her problems weren't an issue if she didn't pay them any mind. Smart, right?

And then Azure said some choice stuff and Hanako made a face that was none too flattering. She loved the attention and all, power to her for being the root cause of this tug of war, but...Well maybe it wasn't all she'd thought it'd crack up to be. It was so tiring being so desirable. Naturally the pair began to clash and Hanako shifted her weight onto her back paws. What was she supposed to do? Let it unfold and enjoy the show or call for help? Breaking her focus, Bean scampered over, taking refuge against Hanako's chest as she nudged him close. He'd done his best, surely Azure wouldn't fault him for this.

Redirecting her attention back to the squabble, Hanako felt little desire to do the responsible thing. It didn't help at all that Sparrow-and by extension her companions- easily made a big spectacle of it all, ending the fight in what looked like to be a painful kiss/headbutt? Azure collapsed to the floor and it was enough to draw Hanako out from the grass as she rushed to his side to make sure he was okay. Gently patting his side it didn't take a genius to work out he was knocked out cold and would probably remain that way for a little while. She knew he'd complain but she'd nag him into getting his head looked at later, he was tough and all but the Armada had healers for a reason. Ones who needed to earn their keep like everyone else.

Lingering by Azure's side-and with Bean perched across her shoulders- she turned to Sparrow. It was about time they talked, now seemed as good as a time as any to set the records straight.

"Jeeze Sparrow why don't you just call me a tramp whilst you're at it?" She griped, her words coming out sharper than she'd anticipated.
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