
Swiggity Swooty Comin for that Booty



"Helen of Koi"


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6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
09-04-2021, 08:08 PM

Sparrow wasn't angry; she was hurt and that was far worse than any ire she could have spat Hanako's way. The koi-wolf shifted uncomfortably, a deep and unsettling ache coiled its way through her system before carving itself into the hollow of her chest. Like it had any right to be there. She'd never been...asked like this before, never really been a chance to sit down and really think about how she wanted things to be. Forced to choose between one thing or another. There was a sense of comfort in knowing that Azure was both able and willing to take the wheel, to act with her best interests at heart even if it didn't always seem that way at first glance. Hanako knew she could be happy here, the Armada had been her home for the longest time, and there was stability to be found within its borders. Wolves who could see her flaws and liked her all the same.

And yet, Sparrow had only seen the best of her, all smiles and cooing words that would make anyone feel good about themselves. Whether she'd realised it or not, she'd fallen for a mask Hanako had forgotten to take off. Now Hanako would never be the sort to self-sacrifice, or even admit she was deeply flawed in ways nothing but a boat load of therapy could fix, but she knew this wasn't right.

Her offers instead of being tempting little babbles for her to fawn over were like ice-cold rain drops and the more Sparrow rambled on, grasping at straws, the quicker Hanako got drenched. She raised a paw to reposition herself slightly, as though to take comfort in Azure's-unconscious- presence, only to realise it was trembling. Hard. She shook her head. Not in an act of denial, rather as a means of just trying to think. To chase away the lump forming in her throat, without much success.

For all her melodrama and theatrics, Hanako didn't...get like this often. She found herself wishing Azure would just wake up and force the issue, state his claim and intent, leaving Sparrow no choice but to back off and live a better life. Even if it hurt at first. But Hanako's life hadn't yet lived up to her ideals of fairy tales and lustre before, why would it suddenly change now?

"Please. I love him." Was all she managed.

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