
Get Used To Everything Being Bigger Than You



"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
09-04-2021, 09:47 PM
Deep down inside, Satira didn't know whether to feel sorry for the dopey idiot bear that the two wolves were so much better than it, or disappointed at how little of a fight it was putting up. Compared to the giant snake in the forest, this was a cakewalk! Satira continued to harass and confuse the bear by keeping to its backside, glancing up at its ridiculously huge backend and nub of a tail at the end. The bear was big, but it was also slow and easy to outmaneuver. She watched her mother in turn, studying the way she moved and struck at the bear. Asla was so graceful, so precise and practiced. Tira, meanwhile, was doing the equivalent of a guerrilla attack on the poor bear, alternating between which fat-laced ankle she was chewing on for the moment.

Once the bear decided it had had enough and was about to fuck off, Satira gave a triumphant bark, but refused to let it leave so easily. She followed Asla's lead, heckling the bear as it tried to turn tail and flee. She yapped and yipped as she darted between its hind legs, careful not to get too close to those huge, heavy paws as it lumbered away, taking bites where she could until the bear was pushing on further out of the orchard back to wherever its lair was. Her bravado had begun to return some, that Fatalis pride rising in her while she basked in the shared victory with her mother. Satira turned sparkling blue eyes up to Asla, her tiny tail wagging so furiously it was almost spinning in a circle. Compared to the snake, this had felt much more like a fight, and Satira felt much more like a winner.

"Satira Fatalis"