
no matter how half you ass it



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
09-08-2021, 12:04 AM

Ciná was glad to find that his opponent was just as willing to jump into things and skip all the formalities of things. It was one of the reasons why he liked sparring with Onyx because she could just jump into it and always put up a good fight. He squared off with the orange flecked boy with his stance set and some basic defenses in place like his ears pinned back and tail tucked out of the way, his hackles bristled as he waited for the Ashen stranger to begin. He didn't waste any time and ran forward and Cina's golden gaze followed his movements closely, but suddenly a scattering of pebbles was scattered across his face, making him flinch back and shut his eyes for a second to keep the tiny rocks from getting in his eyes, scowling as he shook his head to free himself of the irritating dust.

That brief bit of distraction and impairment was enough of an opening for his opponent to swoop in, tackling into him and making him stumble and stagger, only just barely able to catch himself since they matched each other in height and build and since his stance had been so solid before he pulled that dirty trick. Ciná caught himself and pushed back into his attacker to stop his advance, snarling as he hunkered down to fight against falling to the ground. He turned his head to try and reach for the horned boy's scruff, turning this into a shoving match and a test of their balance and will as he tried to get a stronger hold on his opponent to be the first to shove him to the ground instead.

Cináed vs Kuroki for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual

Cináed Praetor