
I must be gettin' too flashy



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
09-05-2021, 04:15 AM

For all her brash exterior, Sedna wasn’t really one to put herself out there in a meaningful way that might end up with her getting hurt. Hanako wouldn’t have known about Sigrun leaving in the night, or maybe even the Hallows wolves leaving just as she was getting to know them. She wouldn’t have known that even starting to forge a friendship with someone like Magnus after all that had come immediately before could hurt her so deeply when he chose to leave them. Even Baracuda had vanished in the night. Not a single explanation between them. Time and time again, Sedna and her feelings weren’t even an afterthought, just a casual bystander to be forgotten as soon as an interaction was done. She wasn’t too keen on putting herself in a position to be burned again… But she couldn’t handle being so alone anymore either.

She forced a laugh to leave her chest. “Nobody yet… doesn’t necessarily have ter be a guy either…” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Ma had a husband an’ a wife… and some others on th’ side.” She still struggled with the idea of being stuck with one wolf forever. “I come from a really big family. It’s jus’ gettin’ ter me, bein’ surrounded by others but still bein’ alone.” She tried to brush the uncharacteristic moment of vulnerability with a shrug and a clearing of her throat, tipping her muzzle towards the bowl of steeping herbs. “Should be cool enough by now.”


we wear red so they don’t see us bleed
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]