
my momma done told me



08-07-2013, 08:40 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

No gasp or chiding came. Just quiet, paused words. It was that hesitance that let Orica know she was in for something big. The story came out little bits at a time. Orica just listened and watched the features of her mother's face. By the end, the wheels in her head were spinning. It would be hard to anyone to guess where her thoughts flew at such a time. But luckily, the glimspe into her father's past, though perfectly truthful, was delivered in a vague enough way that the girl was hardly horrified. She knew that her father, though born in one of the Old Glaciems, had spent years away. It wasn't hard to believe that being away from such good wolves and growing up amongst bad ones could put thoughts into a creature's head that weren't meant to be there. And from Ocena's description, Gargoyle hardly came out sounding like one of the monsters - one of the killer rogues who slaughtered random innocents for fun. It sounded more like Gargoyle had just been a soldier who'd chosen the wrong flag to march under, and perhaps after a while he'd come to like the fighting and killing that he did a little too much.

In theory it wasn't hard for Orica to wrap her head around, but she had serious trouble trying to reconcile such an image of the past with the wolf that she knew today. But then, maybe that was the point! Gargoyle had changed. Completely. He protected his packmates, but he was nothing like he was once.

And that meant - that meant there was real hope for the grey hunter - for Demyan! Though of course, just like Ocena had said, he'd have to be the one to want it. It was up to him. But at least Orica could say that she had been there to give him that second chance at a life that now he knew he could change. She'd talked to him, and he'd gotten to the point where he felt obvious guilt around her. And he'd protected her. And she'd ended up telling him a story about another wolf who'd changed his ways - Drake. Seemed like it was a family legacy.

Orica's little shoulders bobbed with a deep breath. "Thanks Mama," she said quietly - and then, realizing how strange that must sound considering what she'd just heard, the girl finally relented and elaborated. "It's just... I met someone yesterday and well...-" she cocked her head, remembering her mother's words, "-he was a complex wolf. But I don't know. I like to think there's a chance for him."
