
Can You See What It Could Be?


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
09-06-2021, 11:26 AM
No, Aliana could not see what Chimera was trying to do with her. She had spent so much of her life believing herself to be lesser, sub-lupine to the wolves that held dominion over her. She had always been property to be used and abused as her owners saw fit. She saw how Chimera treated and cared for Siren and Viper, and she could not believe herself to be anywhere near their level in Chimera's mind. Maybe it was because she saw herself as lesser; less important, less interesting, less desirable, less beautiful, less everything. She just could not comprehend that Chimera would want to be alone with her or care for her the way he did the other women in his life, unaware she was offending him in any way. It was just the way of their world. She would never be anything to him other than a warm body for him to stick his dick in when he wanted release. He cared for her the way one would care for a cherished toy or valuable treasure, but not for her. It was fine; she had accepted her position in this world a long time ago.

Chimera's comment that the others weren't important and only she was today made the fae look back at him with an expression of shock and utter confusion on her features. He had never spoken to her like that before. What had changed? Was this another one of his mood swings? Was he going to be sweet on her now and then try to kill her in the next moment? Chi kept Ali on edge whenever he was around; it was difficult for her to relax completely around him. Call her gun-shy from the times she'd been scooped up in his embrace only to be shoved away again. Maybe that was why she was keeping him at arm's length now? Trying to protect herself from the inevitable shift from kindness to cruelty. She saw something shift in his eyes when she spoke, noting how he looked at her with barely contained lust. Then he was stalking towards her.

Aliana watched the monochromatic beast come up until his Herculean frame dwarfed hers, a shiver running down her back from the way he looked at her. Chi certainly had a way of making her feel desired, that was for sure. He said they would explore their home, but he desired to see what she had to offer him first. The corners of her lips twitched in a subtle grin, knowing what he implied even before his neck craned down to claim her mouth in a heated kiss. The clouded gray fae's reaction was immediate, soft purrs of delighted surprise rumbling in her throat as she returned the passion he poured into her lips, reaching up on tiptoes to eagerly press herself more into their kiss. He reiterated again that today she was the most important, and Ali's heart did a flip in her chest. Was this him playing with her emotions again, or was this genuine Chimera? It would be impossible to tell, but Aliana took what she could get, no matter how fleeting it was. He could never love her, but in these moments, she could pretend and fantasize.

The brute's purring voice was smooth, husky, low—and oh so arousing. He confirmed her suspicions: she would never be his queen, and that was fine, it wasn't something she'd ever desired. He said she would be closer to him than most others though, his large paw caressing her cheek in a way that made her heart flutter and her belly tense with the desire for him. That same paw slid down to trace the edge of her collar, and on reflex, Ali tipped her head up to grant him access to her throat. It was the most submissive gesture she could give her king who had chosen her to share this moment with to christen their island in the way he knew best. She loved the collar he'd given her; it was a show of his total control over her, and a reminder to her that he did, at least, care enough to give her something unique and lovely to them. She drew in a shuddering breath when Chimera asked if she was ready to show her fealty to her king, gray eyelids fluttering over aquamarine jewels while she gazed up at his handsome face, seeing the dark lust contained in his rosy eye, and in that moment she was powerless to resist him. She was his—wholly and unequivocally his.

"I am, my handsome king," she said with a sultry purr to her voice, a tone she'd never used with him before. It had never felt appropriate as a slave to do so, but as his lover—perhaps even mate, and one he claimed to be so important, it felt daring and right. "Let me swear myself to you with everything I am." Ali leaned in closer until she could feel the solid muscles of his chest against her, her breathing shallow and eager. She was anxious to see how Chimera would have her this time. Would he be strong, rough, powerful and dominant, or would he be tender and gentle, passionate, maybe even loving? She would be finding out what mood Chimera was in in a moment.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.