
Follow the Wisps [Audra]

w/ Aurielle and Ardyn included lol

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
09-06-2021, 05:50 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2021, 05:52 PM by Cairo II. Edited 2 times in total.)

He breathed in deeply as the moorlands stretched before the pair, shrouded in a thick miasma of mist. It looked to be a particularly milky evening, the wall ahead that marked the border barely visible. He came to a stop before one of the passages left open for prey to pass through, glancing up at the sentry-shelters and spotting the form of Loshir, Aurielle’s mountain lion. It seemed the cat – and the ringtailed lemur, he noted with a glance up into the other shelter – was covering Aurielle’s shift for a bit, and as he spotted the blaze of blue-white light racing through the mists far ahead, followed by a fiery flicker and flash, he decided it must be a training night for mother and son.

He watched the two glowing forms, immaterial through the fog, gallop across the moor, and with a squint, he decided Ardyn must be blindfolded, since the fiery light seemed much more hesitant, verging on drunken as it pursued the comet’s tail. Blindness training. He grinned to himself in memory of his own blindfolded runs behind the glowing Queen. It was good training for if ever a battle or accident, or illness left one blind. You developed a sense for your surroundings, nose, ears and natural instinct filling in for a lack of sight.

Turning back, he grinned at Audra, tail wagging softly, unconcerned as he explained, “This is our eastern land, The Druid’s Moor. The wall is the visual border of the pack, but we scent it as well to leave no one in doubt. Just over there, further east, is the border of Aerie, our neighbors. We have a practice raid agreement with them, and they should be raiding at some point. No bloodshed, though, but plenty of practice for healers.”

Drumming hooves, a much larger glaze of silvery blue-white light. That one soon faded into the distance, though, a soft whicker of enjoyment floating above the fog.

"The lights ahead are friendly, I might add. Speaking of, I think it’s time to say hello.”

He tipped up his muzzle and sang, calling Aurielle, and the brightest light abruptly halted, then shifted slightly as the red-gold flame-ball nearly barreled into it, then slowly shimmered out into a low coal bed’s incandescence. A feminine chuckle, warm and amused, floated on the miasma before the brighter light drew near, followed by a fresh flare from the fireball.

Light paw-steps, heavier behind, and soon the blue-white blaze passed close enough to reveal the woman, sapphire-into-sky blue eyes twinkling in residual humor as her ink-black, fiery son followed after, still blindfolded with a strip of buckskin.

Cairo grinned and remarked with amusement, “Blindfold training? How’s that going?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think