
Go on, take your money and run


08-07-2013, 11:48 AM


Relief washed over Euphrosyne as she saw the skinny form of her dear friend hobble into view. She jumped to her paws and trotted over to meet him, not wanting to making him have to travel any farther than he absolutely had to. He was even skinnier than she remembered and the downtrodden look on his face broke her heart. She was happy to see his wagging tail, however, glad to know that he was still happy to see her after all this time. Her tail wagged as well, beyond overjoyed that he was still okay.

As soon as she reached him she gently licked the top of his head and raked her gaze over him, checking to make sure he wasn't injured in any way. He had definitely lost more weight and that worried her, but over all he was physically okay. "I missed you too, Talon! Very, very much." She sat down on her haunches once more, her emerald gaze resting on him happily. Her heart was still heavy with her news, but seeing him eased her pain a little. Something told her that he already knew the truth anyway. If she had found his family she would have had them with her or at least have their scent on her or something. But there was nothing. Talon was small, not stupid. "You already know, don't you?" she asked softly, her ears folding back against her head. "I looked for them everywhere. I'm so sorry, Talon." Her voice wavered ever so slightly, her throat tightening with unshed tears. She had wanted so desperately to fix everything for him, but try as she might she couldn't.
