Can I Consider You A Shrine
09-06-2021, 06:58 PM
Come down, come down sweet reverence
Jynn bounced along southward after picking Álarr up at Fireside. Winter had arrived but thankfully it was rolling in slowly… at least in the south. No doubt the north was a mess of ice and snow. They'd worked their way southward to pick up their original trail though were forced to head southward across the Rio Grande to avoid the Traveler's Pitfall. It seemed like they'd hardly gotten started when the ran into another pack border. "Oop, here's another one Álarr. What do you think? There's a river to the west we could cross into the swamplands maybe." It was a large river, running swiftly but maybe there was a calmer spot. Or perhaps they could work their way along the bank?
She gazed about the forest of gray trees that were streaked with silver and white. Equally pale vines swooped from tree to tree. She would've though the land dead if it weren't for the carpet of green grass covering the forest floor. Jynn blinked for a moment as she spied what looked like a glowing purple light way out in the forest. "Umm… I think this place may be haunted." From her position she couldn't tell it was a glowing purple pool surrounded by a ring of dark stones. She could only see a faint, unnatural glow with an unknown origin.