
It was just a peek




5 Years
Dire wolf

09-07-2021, 12:00 AM
Stalking through the woods came naturally to the tremendous wolf as he slipped seamlessly and very near silently between the gangly trees. One of the nicest parts of his arrangement with Lorikeet was that both wolves had been allowed the freedoms to come and go as they pleased. Keetie would sometimes venture off on her own, and he was free to continue to pursue his escapades of spontaneous brawls, robberies and raids, and targeted kidnappings or hits. Granted, he hadn't been up to much of his previous sinister antics, partially due to how much time he spent with Keetie and Ruga, and partially for a lack of clientele. Boreas, it seemed, was beginning to lose its need for outlaws such as himself. Everything was becoming so... civilized. No one wanted a wolf assassinated, or another warm body in a raid, most of the slavers had been driven out by one "hero" or another... His means of income were fast becoming depleted. At this rate, he'd soon have to turn to "honest work". Sitka shivered at the thought.

That was what had sent the tawny dire wolf to southern Boreas. He was looking for a means of entertainment, or perhaps a lucrative lead on a job. Something to keep his idle paws busy. Pushing through a canopy of wiry branches and thin leaves, Sitka found himself peering through the floral veil out at a vibrantly-furred female wandering deeper and deeper into the woods. She appeared to be hopping from flower patch to flower patch, scrutinizing the plants and harvesting a couple before moving to the next and repeating the process. Sitka watched her silently for a moment, steel blue eyes focused on her movements. She was a slim, petite little thing, gorgeous and easy on the eyes. He was downwind from her, so he got a nose full of her scent. Delectable. She was someone who was cared for and it showed. Perhaps she was someone valuable to a noble—a handmaiden or servant or courtesan. Either way, Sitka had found his entertainment for the afternoon.

A menacing grin slowly stretched across his muzzle while he observed her for a little while longer from behind the willow branches. She was blissfully unaware of the voyeur spying on her. The larger brute was trying to decide what to do with her. He could attack her, and he probably would, weaken her and subdue her under his will. From there, what would he do? Force himself upon the beautiful creature? Take her prisoner and sell her to some slavers for a pretty penny? Just kill her? No, that would be such a waste... but the other two options held merit. Chuckling to himself, Sitka finally slipped out of the tree branches and emerged before her.

"Good day, li'l lady," he greeted in his husky voice, words smooth yet edged with robust masculinity. He shot her a friendly grin, only taking a couple slow steps towards her while he lowered his head to make himself appear as less of a threat. He didn't approach her directly, pausing a few paces off so as not to frighten her off. She seemed the skittish sort. "Now what's a pretty thing like you doing out here picking your own flowers? Surely you've got a line of gentlemen who'd love to get you bouquets from all over Boreas." He was taking it slow, earning her trust just enough to get in close... then his superior size and strength would take over from the rugged charm.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.