
It was just a peek




5 Years
Dire wolf

09-07-2021, 03:47 PM
As much as Sitka enjoyed the thrill of a chase or the adrenaline-pounding action of subduing a mark, there was something to be said for how nice a target went down easily. Lia put up zero resistance, practically yielding her body over to his every whim. Those big, tear-filled eyes brought a sadistic grin to the brute as he had his way with her, enjoying every sound and reaction, but also marveling at how she didn't put up a fight. She took him and whatever he gave her in silent acceptance. Clearly this was not her first time beneath a man in this regard; perhaps she'd been someone's harlot in her life, but she was definitely a well-trained submissive slave. Idalia would fetch a fine price.

Sitka didn't get to finish though, as not long after he'd mounted her, his ears pricked to catch the sound of a snarl. His head snapped around in time to see a tawny wolf launching herself at him, feeling sharp teeth grip at flesh and muscle near his foreleg. He snarled in surprise and went to bite back, but narrowly avoided getting poked in the eye by the wolf's rack of short antlers. Fuck, this was one of those mutant wolves! He winced as she tore at him, trying to dip and weave his muzzle through her antlers to snap at her face, but the girl had taken him by surprise, and with him still on top of Lia, only his back legs had any purchase on the ground. The aggressor had him pulled off of his prey and on the ground before he knew it, doing little harm, but enraging him.

"Fucking bitch!" he snarled and twisted his body to face hers, jaws opened wide and aimed for her head—only to instead grab her antlers in his powerful jaws and clamp down on them, using his hold to roll his body while pulling hers, his superior weight and strength pulling the girl off of her paws so they were both on the ground now. Sitka continued their roll so he ended up with the antlered wolf still latched to his foreleg beneath him, throwing his weight down on the girl's head to try to slam her skull into the ground, hoping to incapacitate or at least stun her. He needed her to let go of his leg so he could break their grapple, otherwise neither of them were getting up from scuffling around in the dirt.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.