
That's Different


08-07-2013, 01:47 PM
The lumbering way the bear walked was certainly a sight to see. Despite the way she walked, the wolf could tell there were powers in those limbs. In one swipe the wolf could be in some serious trouble. His eyes were focused on her, sensing the strength and danger she had behind those claws. Was the bear truly not a threat? Something deep in his gut told him to turn tail now and not wait around to find out. Yet his curiosity about why this female bear knew of the wolf language confused and fascinated him. He had always thought that bears were an enemy to wolves. But perhaps this bear showed different? Green eyes flicked to the violet ones of the bear, not moving as she shifted her weight and sat down on the ground.

Kar's gaze followed the direction she pointed with her paw, twitching his ears as he wondered what kind of wolves lived there. He looked back to the bear as she spoke, her language quite foreign to his ears. But that wasn't completely strange to the male. Wolves from his homeland of Caelum came from all parts of this great big Earth that they lived on. Foreign language, odd coats and bizarre mutations were all things that were common for Kar. But this bear... she was perhaps one of the oddest he had met yet.

"So a pack does live this way, huh?" He looked back in the direction the wolf had pointed. He twitched his ears, frowning. Though the bear knew there was a pack nearby she sadly didn't know what they were like. He looked back to her, eyes shining with curiosity. "Thank you for your information, I greatly appreciate it." Kar gave a small smile. [b]"My name is Kar. What's your name, friend?"