
Another fork stuck in the road




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-08-2021, 07:19 AM
She hated that she had caused Dalila so much hurt and pain, it had never been her intention but what made her feel the worst was that she could not make a different decision. After everything that happened in her life Chimera was and would always be the most important in her heart. That fact should have been made much more clear and Dalila shouldn’t have ever been blindsided like she was. Siren could never say sorry enough nor could she restore their relationship to before because of her devotion to Chi. Dalila was the one who would really make the decision where their relationship would be, if she could manage to overlook Chimera’s lording place over Siren’s life.

Siren spoke the truth though, she hated being without Dalila, she didn’t want the two of them to be apart anymore. She could do nothing but be herself and hope that the mottled woman could accept that from her. Siren half expected her hope to be dashed, it was what she deserved. She felt incredibly selfish, and knew Dal should have so much more than what she had to give her. Then Dalila’s nose was pressing into her cheek affectionately. Siren gasped in surprise but leaned into her gentle kiss. She blinked back any emotions that welled in her eyes as she looked up into Dalila’s bright gaze.

There was no return to the way things were, but Dalila was willing to try and forge a new path with her, because anything was better than nothing. Siren had Chimera to lean on and support her, but there was nothing like Dalila’s soft form curled around her in her bed. Siren knew this wasn’t exactly what Dal wanted for their relationship, but knowing she was willing to do whatever it took for them to be together warmed Siren’s very core. Dalila shifted, lifting herself to her paws so she could climb into the royal bed.

Then Dalila was holding her and it was like nothing had changed. Siren felt an incredible relief wash over her as her tiny body relaxed into Dal’s arms. Tears welled up in her dual toned eyes as they wrapped each other in their arms. Siren’s soft features buried into Dalila’s mottled fur and wetted it with her tears. Dalila whispered words she never thought she would hear as she pressed a gentle kiss against her cheek. Siren clung to Dal like her life depended on how tightly she held. She missed her too.

"I can’t say I’m sorry enough.” She muttered quietly as she pressed herself against Dalila. "For everything. For ruining this, for not being who you deserve. For hurting you so bad.” She confessed and poured her transgressions out. There was no forgiveness, but she would repent.
