
Silver Moonlight

Lil ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
09-08-2021, 02:53 PM

The way that Lillith looked at him never failed to make Romulus feel a swell of pride. She looked at him with large ruby eyes like he was some sort of magnificent beast, something extraordinary and not just another wolf walking the world. That adorable blush spread across her cheeks, feeling warm beneath her skin where his paw touched her face. Roman was a suave romantic, of that he was guilty, and he had a particular enjoyment for making girls swoon for his charm, but there was something especially fun about making Lil blush and turn to this feminine shyness. He could see the fires flaring inside those garnet eyes, her inner desires screamed by a mind and spirit that yearned for what her body had rejected. There was never any maliciousness in his teasing, but gods damn, did he love getting her all flustered!

She grinned to his request, then returned the favor of using his full name to give him the consent he sought. A sly grin of his own spread across his lips, silver eyes never leaving the beauty of those lidded rubies while she eagerly awaited the kiss he asked for. Roman didn't keep her waiting long. Moving his large paw from her cheek to slowly caress the back of her head and soft ears, Romulus slowly closed the space between their lips, beginning as a light brush of his mouth against hers until he was pressing her into a slow, firm kiss. He refrained from pushing too far, keeping himself in check and using just a light pressure of his lips against Lillith's. The thought of someone catching them never even crossed his mind, let alone that they were out on the balcony right next to Ulric's bedroom. All of his thoughts were consumed by Lillith; nothing else existed in this perfect moment but her.

The kiss lasted a few long moments, Roman memorizing the feel of her soft lips pressed to his, the warmth of her breath against him, the way his heart hammered at his ribcage, and her body snuggled close to his. When he did finally break their kiss, he didn't pull but an inch or two away, a quiet sigh of delight coming from the young wolf while silver eyes flickered open halfway to peer at the gorgeous girl in his arms. That roguish grin found its home on his face, watching for her reactions and allowing her the freedom to steal a kiss of her own if she wished it. "Better this time?" he asked in a husky whisper, his voice practically a low purr.
