
I Remember Your Face

Sera ♡


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
09-10-2021, 12:33 AM

The surprise on Sera's face melted away into delight and... was that a touch of relief? Was she relieved that it was just this giant black-furred insane wolf in her trap and not someone else? She must have been hunting for something in particular. Sera's joke brought a barking laugh from Alastor, whose grin widened further. He watched while she studied her own trap, seeming perplexed by how to get him down until she settled for just cutting the rope and letting him fall rather unceremoniously to the chilled ground with a heavy thud. Rolling back too is paws, Alastor rose up to his full height and shook his coat, finding Sera with shining black eyes and a wide smile.

"Mmm something close to it," he said, trying to run through the months in his mind. "Yes, I believe it has been almost a year. Have you been practicing your hunting skills since then? These traps would certainly suggest so!" He glanced at the two snares he'd found so far, quite impressed by the ingenuity that went into them. When he'd met Sera, she's been a scared yet headstrong girl with no survival skills to speak of. Although they'd only had one lesson, she'd seemed interested in what he'd taught her, and she hadn't starved to death, so she must have been eating. Although maybe it was her pack feeding her... except she didn't smell like the pack he'd scented on her last time. His brow furrowed curiously. What had happened to Seraphina since he'd seen her last?

Sera asked what he had been up to, and Alastor let out a long, descending whistle as he considered his whirlwind of a year. "Hoo boy, let's see... Mostly I'm with my mate, trying to decide where she wants to establish her new pack. That's not an easy task, let me tell you!" He chuckled again, now actually able to take in the sight of the smaller woman before him. Although she seemed healthy, if not a little on the skinny side, something in her vivid eyes betrayed her mental state. Sera had not had an easy year. "What about you, little huntress? What have you been doing with your time—besides leaving toys out for wolves to get caught in?" he asked, calling back on the nickname he'd given her after her successful elk kill.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
