



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
09-10-2021, 03:07 PM
The rain was frustrating, but it was slowly pushed out of the forefront of her mind as she drew closer to Aurielle. At least her company was a distraction, more so than her own aimless wandering through the rain. Gently she shook some of the water away from her eyes as she took a few long strides toward her, giving a nod of acknowledgement. "Aurielle," she greeted her simply, her gaze leaving her to find a suitable way up the wall. Once she found it, she leapt up onto it near Aurielle, taking the moment to gaze out across the moor. This place felt strangely eerie on a rainy autumn night like tonight, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel slightly unsettled by the weather. "Lovely is one word for it," she commented dryly. Unlike Aurielle she had no hood to cover herself, but already she was growing used to the rain beating down on her coat - once she got a good walk in she'd head back to her den and dry off for the evening. No one had ever died from being rained on, after all.

The question Aurielle asked suddenly didn't surprise her, but she wasn't sure she could answer it easily. She hummed thoughtfully as she considered for a long moment. The drumming of the rain against the ground made it hard to focus on her thoughts. Who would she want to mentor, if given the chance? It wasn't a question she could answer easily. "Perhaps Fidelias," she suggested carefully. Caelia didn't know Justice's children well but Fidelias resonated most closely with how she'd been as a child. He showed potential that she could recognize, and she thought training someone as reserved as him might come more easily to her thanks to their similarities. "But I'm willing to work with anyone who needs training." And I know I haven't been doing my part, she thought bitterly to herself, hoping the silence that followed said enough.