
oh deer

Mara hunt!



3 Years
09-10-2021, 04:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2021, 04:20 PM by Amaranth. Edited 1 time in total.)

Mara had been trailing the herd at a distance for the better part of the day. She didn't know what she expected really, because the idea of her and Ed taking down a healthy adult mule deer alone was something she'd scoff at even if she was piss drunk, let alone hale and sober. But it was a small herd, and maybe if she stuck with them long enough some opportunity would arise, so for the time being she found herself belly-down and obscured by the tall grass. Her mouth watered at the thought of having a kill to camp on for a few days, enough to hold her over for a good long while, a long bone or two to crack open as treat. Gods, she couldn't remember the last time she'd been able to dig into a fresh, big kill. Of course, the longer her wait stretched the more 'seeking opportunities' began to feel like self-inflicted torture.

A flash of movement drew her eye to a figure approaching from a few hundred yards away, catty-corner to her own watchful post. A female, and a youngling too by the looks of it, but at this distance it was hard to be sure. A quick glance back at the herd confirmed they hadn't noticed her yet, big tasty idiots that they were. Just like that, the torture was off and this was back to being a marvelous idea all over again. "Ed!" She hissed under her breath, waking the bobcat up from a doze he'd resigned himself to a while ago. "Go sneak around and see if that wolf over there is after one of these deer. See if she can chase 'em towards me." The cat craned his neck as high as he dared until he caught what Mara was gesturing at and set off.

Swift and silent the cat crept behind a rise, keeping out of sight of the deer. It took a moment of sniffing to come up with the wolf's location on the far side but he got there in the end and stopped a safe distance behind her. "Psst!" He tried to catch her attention, speaking just barely over a whisper and pointing with one broad, fluffy paw. "You hunting? I've got a friend waiting on the other side of the herd, where the land slopes up a bit. A wolf and a cat aren't much of a match, but two wolves and a cat..." He trailed off, twitching his whiskers like one might waggle their eyebrows. Hopefully she was pickin' up what he was puttin' down. Better safe than sorry, he tacked on, "If you can flush them towards her, I think she's had her eye on one of the does."


(Amaranth has a male Bobcat companion, if he is not mentioned assume he is not present)