
met a mermaid on a glass boat



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-10-2021, 07:45 PM
The end of her pregnancy was looming and by now that fact was very obvious. She knew the true sire of the puppies within her, but Chimera could have just as easily made her so large. Part of her hoped there were just lots of little ones in there, but much more likely there were only a couple large puppies within. Her tiny frame showed the swelling of her middle better than anything. As the days went by she felt like she was gaining pounds and pounds by the hour. That wasn’t true but it did give her anxiety about the impending day. She was far past the point of no return, and she only had one way out of this.

Siren didn’t fear much beyond the separation from Chimera and Dalila, but trying to imagine giving birth gave her anxiety. So she did the sensible thing and ignored what would be. There was no changing the fact now, she was going through with it scared or not. Siren could take comfort in the fact that they were now living on this secluded island. She had both Chimera and Dalila to keep her safe and comfortable. All she had to do was grow the precious cargo within.

Siren was half napping in the massive structure that had become a palace of sorts. Her tiny (but bulbous) frame was laid across the roots of the massive ficus in the very middle. The sun streamed in from above, lighting her with dappled sunspots from the canopy above. She was as comfortable she she could get, as her mind raced lightly while she relaxed in the quiet afternoon.
