
Can You See What It Could Be?



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
09-10-2021, 07:53 PM

The former slave girl tipped her head upwards instantly, giving Chimera access to her slender, snowy throat. He enjoyed seeing the collar upon her like an obsidian brand of ownership. She really was the perfect woman for him. The grey and white fae took what he gave her without complaint. It didn't matter if he wanted her to bleed for him or to moan beneath him. Aliana was always willing. That placed her quite high upon his roster of women. Siren was first. Viper was second simply due to how long they'd been together, and then Aliana came in third. Third to all other wolves in the world... it was a place of honor. Perhaps one day she would see it as such.

Aliana's purring words brought a low chuckle from the brute and he grinned, lips peeling back to flash the rows of teeth within his maw. "Shall we christen our island then, my lady?" Our island. It was hers as well. This would be her home for the rest of her life, he hoped. Not that he would agree to let her leave. There was something about Aliana that was addicting. He could never get enough of it. She was a slut for him. Maybe that was it. Anything that he wanted to do to her, he could. She had yet to tell him no. Would she ever or would she just keep taking it? Was her appetite for abuse as insatiable as his own?

Without warning, the beast pushed his prodigious mass against that of the smaller wolf. His paw came up behind her back as he did so and Chimera gently lowered the woman onto her back in the leaf litter. As promised, today she was the most important. He would treat her as such. Maybe later if she asked him nicely, he'd give her the rough stuff. For now, he would be tender and caring. Bitches liked tender and caring.

Lips, tongue and teeth began at the ashen fae's jawline and slowly moved downwards, grooming her fur and bestowing little nips here and there. First one, then the other, Chimera extended the woman's hind legs and nibbled at her knees and thighs. There was only one place to go after that and the normally vicious man did so, gently and expertly. He kept his pallid pink eye on the woman the majority of the time, enjoying the various emotions that flitted across her pretty features.

-Fade for stupid reasons-

Chimera Klein

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.