
Be gone weeds!

Dalren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-10-2021, 08:43 PM

The move to the island had been more smooth than she had anticipated and they luckily got down to Auster before winter really kicked in and the snow began to fall in Boreas. The hardest part had been getting their supplies across the water and onto the island, but Chimera had come with a plan so even that hadn't been too rough. She was steadily settling into this new status quo with Siren and so far had been pretty successful in making herself scarce whenever Siren and Chimera were together just to save herself from the jealousy and caring for Siren throughout the day while her pregnancy progressed and her delicate body very quickly began to show the signs of the children growing within her. No part of this new relationship they were creating was easy, but the moments they got to spend alone and any time she got to make Siren smile felt worth it.

As they got settled into the island and started clearing out and creating spaces for themselves, she and Siren began fixing up a greenhouse that they found among some of the other run down buildings. It was a structure made almost entirely of panes of glass with plenty of space inside for rows and rows of different herbs and plants. Before they could start planting anything though they had to finish clearing out the old, dead plants and weeds and prep the ground for planting. Chimera had helped with removing some of the larger pieces of debris like some worn, broken shelving and a cracked wheelbarrow, clearing out the larger items so she and Siren could focus on the gardening part of things. She had a basket that she was steadily filling with weeds as he worked her way around the green house, pulling them out of the ground and dropping them into the basket so they could be carried away.

She lifted her blue gaze from her work to look at Siren a few feet away, smiling softly as she dropped another clump of weeds into her basket. She knew that everything had gotten significantly harder the more round her former mistress became. She walked over to where Siren was also attempting to work and helped her pull free a particularly stubborn dried up plant that seemed to be giving her some trouble before giving her cheek a sweet kiss. "You don't have to keep working," she told her even though she had tried to get Siren to relax and stop working on their little project many times since they moved here and so far hadn't been successful. "There's a pretty nice spot cleared out over there now. Why don't you go lay down and I'll come join you after I clear out this section?"
