
You're that one guy from that one thing, right?

Chimera take 2



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
09-10-2021, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2021, 09:32 AM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)
As winter settled in he was glad that they were making their way back toward Auster, keeping to the warmer weather and lack of snow. In the northern parts of Auster it was still a little on the cooler side in the morning and evening, but it was till a far cry better than if they had stuck around the falls where they had been for most of fall. He had wandered off on his own for a bit, exploring through the grove of aspen trees. The last time he had passed through here it had been to go visit the large island just off the coast and even from here he could make out the shape of the buildings and ships that surrounded it in the distance. That had been a strange night to say the least and he had frequently wondered about that split toned man, hoping he had recovered from his injuries okay after that. He certainly hadn't had the best supplies to help him then, but hopefully it had been enough for him to get home okay.

Segin followed the creek that wound through the forest, pausing to take a drink from the slow moving water before continuing on his way. The sound of chittering and scraping up ahead caught his attention, making his ears perk curiously, and he followed the sound till he came through a stand of trees and found a huge pile of sticks and branches that were formed into a dam that was alive and active with activity. Beavers moved and crawled all across it, some of them going to and fro to collect more sticks to add to their collection. He grinned and settled back in the shade of one of the trees to watch them work for a while, settling down onto his stomach and crossing his forepaws one over the other after slipping out of his bag and setting it off to the side.

Segin Epsilon