
Back to the Place Where I Belong

Artorias Homecoming - Tam


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-10-2021, 11:51 PM
Tamsyn laughed as Artorias hugged her back just as enthusiastically, absolutely adoring the bond she shared with her children. She had always done her best to keep as good of a relationship as she could with each of her children and even though she wasn't sure she was always successful in that it was moments like this that reminded her of that love they shared. She returned the lick to his cheek as he drew back, still grinning and wagging her tail as they released each other and settled back onto their haunches. She had no doubt that Artorias enjoyed his time with the Armada if for no other reason than getting to spend time with Briar, but she was so glad that he was home.

When he asked what he had missed her grin faded a bit and she sighed softly. "Well... it wouldn't be a season in The Hallows without something bad happening, would it?" she asked half jokingly. It did seem like every season there had been something that happened or some tragedy that struck and just as they were getting over the last something else blindsided them. "Where to even start... Well, on a brighter note, Bowen is back," she said with a brighter smile. That was most certainly the highlight of the entire fall season. Any time a piece of her little family was put back together it certainly warmed her heart and made her feel more whole.

Unfortunately that was all she could really report to him as far as good news went. She was sure he wouldn't think her moving in with Kane was good news and it was a small thing in comparison to everything else. "Rudy... He got into a bad tangle with a bear," she admitted after a moment, her ears flicking back. "Before you go rushing off anywhere - he's stable. He's in the infirmary, but... he's in a coma. His head got hit pretty badly against a tree before Kane and I could get there. I killed the bear and we got him back to the castle. Gwyn, Syanna, and Kane have been keeping him cared for, but he's still just... asleep. They've told me all we can do is wait and let his brain heal." She knew that wouldn't sit with him any better than it did with her, but that's really all they could do right now.

Tamsyn Carpathius