
Where We Came From, Where We Are



The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-12-2021, 08:16 AM

Panic and shame surged through her when he had asked about what she was hiding beneath the leather bracer. Bowen couldn't look Artorias in the eye. He was her brother, but she hadn't known what to expect from him. Would he feel shame? Disgust? Would he shun her for being marked as property? In the end, he did none of those things. Despite being uncomfortable, Bo allowed him to take her slender foreleg in his gentle grasp so that he could more closely inspect the permanent marks upon her. Since his attention was on the brand, she took the opportunity to search his distracted fae. Within his golden eyes she saw anger, fury, hatred... but not for her. Her brother was angry for her. She knew that he was angry that he couldn't have prevented this; that he hadn't been able to save her from this pain. That was simply the kind of wolf Artorias was.

Once he released his grip on her leg, Bowen wasted no time in sliding the leather back into place. A pull of her teeth and a quick tie would have her shield right where it was supposed to be once more, but she left it loose for now. She was still unable to meet her brother's gaze until she felt his rough pads settle gently upon one orange streaked cheek. Bowen could feel the love and care in that touch and she reflexively turned, placing a gentle kiss upon those pads before bringing her heavily lashed lids upwards so that green eyes could meet gold once more. Art moved forward and placed a tender kiss between her ears and a breathy sigh pushed from Bowen's lungs. The contact was nice. Physical affection was so soothing. It didn't matter that this physical contact came from her brother. There had barely been a time while she was on the ship when she wasn't touching someone in one manner or another, so being on her own, in her own space... it was disorienting. It was unwelcome. It was something she'd have to get used to again.

The words of apology from Artorias brought a soft, breathy laugh from Bowen and she pulled back just enough to give his chin a little kiss. Nothing more than a quick peck. "You can't save the world, Art. You did what you could, but even you can't walk on water." She had been out at sea. How was he supposed to find her there? "In the end, your little sister saved herself and came home. That's all that matters, right? We're together again?"

An idea seemed to strike Artorias like a bolt of lightning. He explained that he had something for her and he urged her to return to the castle with him. Gripping the leather laces between her teeth, Bowen pulled, tied off the strings, then tucked the loose ends back into the top edge of the cuff. She was ready to go and followed Artorias easily as he led the way back inside the stone structure. It didn't seem as oppressive with her brother beside her. She thought nothing of striding through the giant, stone doorway whereas before she may have hesitated.

Once inside, Art led her upstairs to the Carpathius wing. It was still strange to know that her name had changed while she was gone, but Bowen would accept this final gift from her mother. As she stood in the doorway, the girl watched her big brother move to the mantle and pull down a very familiar glass orb. The corners of Bo's mouth instantly lifted as she recognized the treasure. It was a special item that they'd discovered together and she remembered that day clearly and fondly. Coming into the room, Artorias began to speak, telling her that he had searched for her after the others had stopped. Telling her that he kept this pristine sphere close, this bauble that reminded him of his lost sister.

Bowen's heart fluttered hard in her chest as she accepted the piece of glass from Artorias. Never had she felt such love from another. Even when the words came straight from the mouth of another, the feelings never went along with the admission. This though... This simple gesture of returning a piece of their childhood to her now that they were together again... that showed Bowen love. Love that she had been missing, craving, desiring the entire time that she was away.

With her paw slowly dropping back to the floor, the glass sphere clattered to the stones and began to roll away. It didn't matter though. Bowen was already launching herself against her brother's wide, blue chest. She slammed into him hard, but she knew that he could take it. He'd grown up big and strong, after all. Bowen wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face against his throat with an ear on either side of his jaw. Bowen... cried. Big, heaving sobs. All of the anguish that had built up over her time away, the walls that she'd built to keep herself safe and sane, it all came crashing down from this simple gesture of love. She never wanted to be apart from her family again. Never ever.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]