
Come in and wipe your feet




Advanced Healer (90)

Advanced Fighter (70)

11 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
09-12-2021, 02:35 PM


As expected, the notion of a brute with tusks having an interest in herbology and healing seemed to catch the leader's attention. A wry smirk threatened to break over his features, but it would likely be in poor taste so the man suppressed the urge to grin. "We certainly have more wolves focused on fighting than healing at the moment so that would would be a great help. You're of course encouraged to do both and you're welcome to run patrols as much as you are gathering herbs, but we'll keep your rank focused on the healing side of things." Ulric offered in response, to which the cosmic giant nodded lightly in agreement. There was something to be said for a simple life of collecting herbs and treating the wounded, for as much as he enjoyed brawling and raiding, he was growing less brash as the years passed. Settling down and raising a family seemed to be in the cards far more than continuing a life of wandering and fighting everyone he ran into.

With a small nod of his head, the ruddy male led the way back the way they'd come. He directed Deion's attention up a flight of stairs that was quite well lit despite the stone walls. Candles, or were there windows higher up? "All of the living quarters are up there. The rooms on the second floor are all taken, but there's plenty of empty rooms on the third floor so feel free to pick whichever one you like." Ulric told him, leaving the poor marauder to wonder at what kind of rooms he should be expecting. At this point, it wouldn't have been surprising if there was a full maid service roaming about to attend to all of the cleaning and organizing. Before he could be left to stand there wondering for much longer, the Aegis led him back out into the courtyard and around the edge of the castle itself. Out behind the titanic stone castle lay open fields that were bordered by crumbling walls. In the midst of it all, a smaller structure stood in the open. Ulric launched into further explanation before the celestial male could even think to ask about it. "Over here is the greenhouse. One of our lead healers Gwynevere has been working on getting some plants growing in here and so far its going well. You'll meet her and Syanna soon enough I'm sure." he explained, and there was a fondness there that spoke further of a leader who truly cared for each and every one of his wolves. "This is the training area I set up for the warriors. The field house is storage for some training dummies and extra armors and things for you to practice with if you want. Up to you what your style of training is. If you keep going around the castle you'll find the paddock that houses our alpacas. The fighters all take turns guarding them since they do tend to attract coyotes and those sorts of predators, though my mate and I recently acquired some dogs so they don't need quite as close of a watch any more." he explained, and while the contents of the field house certainly intrigued Deion, he was also drawn in by the livestock. This was certainly one of the benefits of a stable home and claiming territory, there was the possibility of keeping animals for meat and fur.

It was hard to deny that his brightly hued eyes were glazing over when Ulric went over the rules of the pack, but such was the nature of a wolf who grew up in a roving band of carefree raiders. No maiming and no thoughtless breeding, sensible rules that only disappointed him a little bit. While there was little interest on the surface level for attacking and hurting those who shared his home, he was a proud man by nature and couldn't always be counted on to think before he acted. Not that he would elect to mention this to his new leader. It would come up eventually, but at the risk of earning unnecessary scrutiny, he would keep his mouth shut and his head down for now. He blinked at Ulric when he turned to look at him with a grin, forcing himself back to the present. "I think that's about it! I guess the only thing left for you to do is to get settled in and start meeting everyone. Any last questions before I let you go?" he asked.

"Any recommendations for sparring partners? I may not be a child any more, but I wouldn't mind getting back into the habit of training regularly." he replied earnestly, a lopsided grin creeping onto his features.
