
I need someone, not just anyone



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Intermediate Hunter (55)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-12-2021, 06:03 PM
He wondered if his silence helped put her at ease, just a little. His best communication was through his own body language, somehow that made communicating that much more of an intimate experience. She had to pay closer attention to him to understand what he wished to convey, and yet that challenge seemed almost welcomed by this bright, beautiful, young woman. Ysmir smiled up at her as she spoke softly in return, glad he could stay with her. That was all he got before the infirmary door swung open in a flurry.

Ysmir’s attention, dual toned eyes and dark ears, were swiftly brought to the massive man that suddenly commanded the space. All he got was a quick glance at first, of course Gwyn needed to be the center of attention. Ysmir nodded his head respectfully as Gwy introduced him but obviously didn’t interrupt. His own focus swiftly returned to Gwyn. One sapphire and one silver eye returned to Gwynvere’s features as she explained, vaguely, what happened to Ulric. The girl did not play down his help, and Ulric turned to him again and thanked him and would be sending him home with supplies. Ysmir nodded again, in humble thanks, or as close as he could get.

Ysmir didn’t miss the tension that seemed to seep out of her when the alpha finally left after telling her to get some rest. Silence settled over the room as Gwyn took her prescribed herbs and made herself comfortable. Ysmir resisted the urge to rest his head on the bed close to hers. He watched her marbled gaze trace the patterns of his fur before she spoke again. He tilted his head slightly, a tiny gesture to continue if she wanted. He held her gaze carefully, but gave her his full attention. This was someone who knew who she was, but she didn’t know him.

The yearling boy whined softly as she told him the unedited version of her story, she still withheld details but he didn’t want to see her relive the horror. Ysmir wished he could say something to comfort her. Instead he reached forward tentatively and nosed at her paws softly as he offered his support and comfort. Whatever he could do. He wished her he could tell her how wrong the man was. How strong she was, and worthy of whatever name she wished.
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.