
We Meet Again


08-07-2013, 07:44 PM

ooc;; TADAA All the snow is gone and its summer wooooo!

The look of recognition that finally crossed her face after a few moments of confusion caused a small smile to cross his lips. He felt a twinge of guilt for surprising her, but she seemed not to mind anymore. As she spoke of what she remember, he tilted his head slightly to the side and sat back on his haunches, curious about this new name of hers. So you finally have a name, I'm glad, he murmured quietly. What is it, if I may ask? I would assume it isn't Seraphim, like mine.

He had to force a grin as he spoke, distracted by the horrible losses and scarring she had endured. He wasn't sure how to address it, but he wanted to know what had happened to her and he wanted to make sure that everything was okay. While Seraph obviously didn't know this pup well, and she wasn't his child, he felt the urge to protect her as much as any other. With this young one, he was able to act on such an urge, unlike with his own offspring who had been born into a world that they would be taught to hate. Their mother's decision in raising them was a regrettable one, but he wasn't in any place to dispute it.

By the way, he began nonchalantly, having decided how to address the girl's current state, Where is your mother today?
