
Si Vis Pacem...



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
09-14-2021, 12:57 AM

Gwynevere felt a bit like a ghost, wandering and haunting the halls of the castle ever since the day that she had been attacked. Sleep came in bits and pieces, only really sleeping for any length of time when she was just too exhausted to dream. The only times she felt any sort of peace was when Ysmir was visiting, but she couldn't expect him to be here all the time. He had his own pack and family to be with and she eventually insisted that he go back to them no matter how difficult it was. Of course if he wanted to return she would welcome him back, but she wasn't unrealistic. He didn't live here no matter how much she wished he did. She was far too afraid to leave the walls that surrounded the castle, only ever leaving the interior of the castle to go to the greenhouse. She felt like she was going through the motions, letting herself be numb as she buried herself in her work.

She was in the pharmacy sorting through some herbs she had collected from the greenhouse that morning when a slam from down the hall made her jump, causing her to knock over a pile of marigold she had just finished neatening up. She gave a slow sigh, her ears flicking back as she looked out into the hall and tried to calm the rapid beating of her heart. It sounded like it was close enough that the only doors that could have him slammed like that were the infirmary or one of the guest rooms, but either way she figured she should probably go investigate in case it was someone rushing into the infirmary for some reason. She walked down to the now open infirmary door and immediately stopped in the doorway when her swirled lavender and mint gaze landed on a distinctly familiar form.

She had successfully evaded her mother's questions thus far, no matter how much Tamsyn tried to find out more about what happened, but she had been worried about Artorias' return because she knew her brother wasn't going to be as easy to say no to. He was leaned over the edge of Rudyard's bed and she had no doubt that someone - probably their mother if she had to guess - had filled him in on what had happened in his absence. She very seriously considered slipping away before she could be noticed, but it would really only be delaying the inevitable. Steeling herself, she walked into the room and walked over to stand beside Artorias, settling onto her haunches next to Rudyard's bedside as well.

Gwynevere | Eilwen