
the anthem of success


08-07-2013, 08:56 PM

Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, perhaps because of the fear that gripped his heart. The fear however, was not so much for what he would face, but how he would react to it. At times he simply cowered, like a normal, weak wolf would do, but at others... Well, Erebos simply didn't want to be the monster that deep down he knew he was. He did everything in his power to keep that part of him at bay, but in times like these he had little to no control over what would happen. He was helpless to the beast that lived within his mind.

With wide blue eyes he continued to observe the feline as she slowly turned to peer at him from the corners of her eyes and spoke a challenge to him to come forward. Her voice, though beautiful, was laced with a distaste that he couldn't put a finger on but also couldn't blame her for. Or maybe he was imagining it. Either way, her words caused him to take a few steps further, then to stop again. Nothing had changed. She still looked like a cat, the trees still grew from the submerged ground. At the risk of revealing that he was crazy, he knew that there was only one way to know the answer to his question.

Are you real? The confusion and fear in his voice was evident, as he had not the energy to even try to cover it up. Enduring his hallucinations as of late had taken every bit of effort he had, and his attempts to discern reality from imagination at this moment were sapping strength from a source that was already depleted. He needed the question answered soon, or he feared that he would collapse and never rise again.
