
like a rat in a cage



2 Years
09-14-2021, 12:12 PM
OOC- Trigger warnings for mentions of slavery, abuse, sexual abuse, and violence

How the hell did he keep getting himself into these situations? Was he cursed? Or had he used up all the good parts of his life already, leaving nothing but bad? His childhood had been so clean and happy, so perfect, but the rest of it? It was like the Gods had carved out a perfect little hell on earth just for him. Family? Kill em. Friends? Let him watch the ones that survive get sold off to the highest bidder. And for Teneo himself? Shackle him so tight it'll leave scars on his leg. Burn his flesh with scraps of hot metal to brand him like property. Let his life be dictated by strangers who touch him as they please with no regard to how it makes him feel. Oh, and make sure he's covered in scars from those beatings, so nobody can ever tell him how pretty he is ever again.

And then, when he finally did manage to succeed in an escape after countless failed attempts and being washed up an a totally different continent where he might just be able to start over, he gets himself stuck in a deathtrap of a forest where none of the paths make sense and he's starving and there's a fucking bear chasing him!

Yeah, the Gods definitely hated him.

His paws beat against the ground as he raced blindly down another trail, trying to ignore the stinging of tears in his eyes . He isn't sad, or even scared really,. No, the tears are those of anger, springing forth from a well of resentment and frustration and sheer hatred over everything that he is and everything that he isn't. He was so tired of being on the losing end of things. So sick of having to yield to what another wanted just because they could force him to do it. His body and heart sung with a desire to fight and yet he was constantly made to flee instead, sparking a wildfire of shame and embaressment and indignity.

He could hear the bear behin him still, the beast unrelenting. He could only assume that it had been trapped in this hellhole just as long as he had- which had to have been almost a week by now- and was probably starving and desperate. Teneo knew he sure was. He'd never looked worse in his life; he was too thin, his fur was a mess, he was covered in scrapes and bruises- and yet his amber eyes still held a smoldering fire inside of them, unbroken and unbowed despite it all.

I can't run anymore.

The realisation that his burning muscles weren't going to hold out seemed to flip a switch in him. He was going to die, and for the first time in his life he really believed it. Instead of panic or adreniline or any other emotion flooding him, Teneo found himself quiet for the first time in a long while. Content. Assured.

He was okay with this.

His body seemed to work on autopilot, and all of a sudden his paws dug into the ground beneath him and he slid to a halt, spinning on his heels. He wouldn't hold back anymore. If he was going to die then he was going to go out being the real Teneo, not the thing they'd turned him into.

A snarl ripped it's way from his throat as pale lips pulled back to reveal glinting fangs, hooked ivory things that had turned a pretty face into a twisted smile and his slim figure shot foreward toward the beast. The action caught the creature off guard, and with a sickening sense of satisfaction Teneo felt his teeth sink into the flesh of it's face, and without a moents hesitation the wolf began to thrash his head back and forth, revelling in the sound of the bears pained bellow. His moment of victory was just that though- a moment. The bears reaction was instantanious, a violent stagger backwards on two legs as a powerful clawed back connected violently with Teneos side and wrenched him clean off. He felt claws rake his body as the impact sent him flying off his target, slamming him hard into the packed earth of the trail beneath them. His air was knocked clean out of his weak body, and had the bear not been pawing at the empty socket where his eye once was, the wolf would have probably been mauled to death already.

OOC- Feel free to have abbadon kill or drive the bear off. Teneos fine, just bruised, cut, and winded lol