
Hey there, fancy feet




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-15-2021, 12:28 PM

Manea caught a glimpse of the split colored, speckled girl she had met during her visit to Ashen with Alastor back before her children were born and it made her steps slow, watching her curiously until she saw the two toned eyes lift and spot her as well. She smiled and turned to face her, meeting her half way as she took the moment to appreciate the beautiful young woman again. She had only gotten a brief look at her during their last meeting and even since then she had grown. Her unique, two toned antlers had grown in more and she was clearly growing toward what would be her full height. She noticed how the girl seemed to be more intentional with the placement of her paws than she had been when they first met, but her balance still seemed a bit unsteady as she bowed her head and nearly tipped over because of him.

The Mendacium matriarch smiled kindly to the young girl, replying, "Hello to you as well." She settled back onto her haunches in front of her, one her large, tiger-like paws lifting to gently nudge and lift the dark ear that had fallen to the girl's head with embarrassment. "Stand tall, darling. So many only dream to live the struggle you've been given." How many of her own family would have given anything to have the gifts she had been born with? How many had died because they didn't? Her family was a cruel and unrelenting bunch at times, but it left them with only the strongest to remain standing and made her certain that they were all here with a purpose - just as this girl and Ikigai had been put here with a purpose to serve. She hadn't yet met their other siblings, though she had a feeling that the majority of their litter was outstandingly blessed.

Her paw then shifted down to the girl's ankle, lifting the young woman's taloned paw so she could take a closer look, soft toes brushing over the long claws with appreciation. "My daughter was born with the same paws as myself. It's been interesting watching her go through the same learning process I did," she mentioned with a chuckle, aqua eyes shifting back to the young wolf's gaze again, holding her paw in her own. "Our differences can often feel like a curse, but in the end we'll be the ones to prevail and the ones to rule this world. Don't be discouraged by the growing pains to get there," she said encouragingly with a soft smile before finally releasing her paw. "What is your name?" She hadn't had the chance to ask at the meeting with her parents, but now she was able to give her undivided attention.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny