
I spy something tall and spotted

Pack hunt!



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-15-2021, 04:04 PM
Ulric was proud of how his son directed the group and took all their recommendations into the final plan he gave them. He took one of the long coils of rope from Ezra and waited till Kane had some as well before giving Ezra a nod and beginning to walk down to the pair of sturdy trees that Eska had pointed out before so that they could begin getting the trap into place. They were a little ways away from where the giraffes were grazing from the trees, but he still made sure to keep to the thicker parts of the grass and kept his voice down when he spoke to help keep himself concealed. Luckily the both of them were very neutrally colored and more easily hid in the slightly dried grasses than some. Once they made it down to the trees he got to work uncoiling the rope and picking places on the tree where they might be able to tie off their knots. "I'll hold the ropes up in place if you tie them?" he suggested quietly to Kane, wrapping the rope around the trunk a couple of times to make sure it had a good hold on the tree before holding it in place so that Kane could tie off the knot. They did this a few times, criss crossing the ropes between the two trees till there was a criss cross of them blocking the path between them. He peeked out over the empty space between the trees and where the giraffes still stood unaware and caught a glimpse of Ezra's speckled head peeking out of the brush. He waved his paw to let him know they were ready and then went to lay in wait with Kane for their prey to start moving.

Ulric Adravendi